Success at Clacton Airshow 2024

Essex RAYNET’s County Controller, Jason 2E0XTA reported a susccessful Clacton Airshow and sent the following message to those member and visitors who assisted.

Hi Airshow Team,

On behalf of myself, the DERC Team and everyone at TDC involved with Airshow, I’d like to express and pass on their thanks for your time, dedication and professionalism given to support this event over the last two days.

RAYNET once again demonstrated that we have a role to play across the various sites and on the ground, with RF Communications and Message Passing.

Sadly the weather on Day 1 definitely made for a disappointing display and as a result, slow day for us all. However, today (Friday) definitely made up for it with the summer weather we enjoyed and a display to match.

RAYNET Control functioned really well I feel, with consistency and good communications.

The Airshow is secured for at least another 4 years, with the Red Arrows set to make a comeback next year. Can’t give you any confirmed dates yet but is always a Bank Holiday weekend so my guess would be Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd August 2025.

Much thanks to Iain G0OZS, Howard and Jan, Geoff Tiller, Ryan, Justin and Diane Bridges for assisting Essex RAYNET with this bumper event – I promise you when I say, normally it’s a lot more RF traffic heavy than it has been this year – blame the weather!

I will be inviting you to give feedback officially via another medium in the weeks to follow.

73 2E0XTA Jason
Event & County Controller for Essex RAYNET