County Communications Exercise

2020-10-06 20:30 - 21:00
As mentioned within the September Newsletter, Essex RAYNET now have three remotely controlled repeaters that we can turn on to give greater radio coverage.  The engineering team has now configured them so that they act in cascade to give a greater footprint.
The next step is to see what this looks like in reality, and this is where you come in to help with this.  We would like to carry out a survey of signal strength and quality from each members’ QTH.  This will inform each member which is their best repeater to use in gaining access to this wide-area Net, and give the engineering team a view of the potential reach from these three locations.
To do this we would like you to call in and take part in a simple test, lasting no more than 30 minutes.   The target date for the test is Tuesday the 6th of October at 20:30, as this uses the weekly Essex RAYNET testing slot.