Covid-19 statement from the Chairman of RAYNET-UK
Statement from the RAYNET Chairman regarding the current Covid-19 situation
The current situation is a medical emergency, not a communications one.
We are not currently aware of any request to support the work of Category 1 or 2 responders. However, it is good practice to keep batteries charged and equipment checked and operational in case RAYNET is asked for support.
There is much we can all do in the meantime. With a large number of our members in the vulnerable and ‘at risk’ groups, together with people working from home, it is important that we look after each other.
Having regular nets or more active monitoring of group, repeater or calling channels to ‘look after our own’ is always a good thing to do.
For example, we are already aware that some groups are using Microsoft Teams and other software to set up group tele/video conferences to keep in touch in addition to RF nets.
Until we have a clear request from a User Service, random path-testing of links is not classed as “essential travel”. This can be done when there is a clear lead and there are many software packages available to assist with this.
RAYNET is an emergency communications organisation and communications breakdowns can happen for any number of reasons. Nationally, the RAYNET EP Team are monitoring the health of infrastructure to watch for any changes.
If anyone group receives a request for support from any organisation, please advise me without delay.
Cathy G1GQJ