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  • 05

    Saltmarsh Ultra and Half Marathon

    06:00 -23:59
    Maldon District
    Princes Rd, Maldon CM9, UK

    The Saltmarsh Ultra Marathon will see participants tackle over 50 miles of the Maldon District’s 75 mile coastline in one day. Starting from Marsh Farm, South Woodham Ferrers and following the coastal path around the Dengie Peninsular to the historic town of Maldon, and a warm welcome at the finish line in the picturesque Promenade Park. The Ultra is open to runners, walkers, duos and relay teams, the event will push participants to their limit.

    Essex RAYNET require assistance as the event will last approximately 20 hours and currently we need more help due to the long duration.

    We are seeking help from members of neighbouring groups to assist for as many hours as possible, but all offers are gratefully received.

    If you can help, even for a few hours please contact the Essex RAYNET event organiser Gareth 2E0PSN at

  • 08

    Communications Test from Kelvedon Park

    15:00 -16:00

    Activation of the County Emergency Response Centre  at Kelvedon Park.

    Communications will be on 144.675MHz and 433.700MHz, 94.8Hz Tone Encode.

  • 13

    Farleigh Hospice Maldon Bubble Rush - CANCELLED

    09:00 -15:00
    Assumption Of Our Lady R C Church
    60A Victoria Rd, Maldon CM9 5HF, UK

    The 2019 Maldon Bubble Rush has been CANCELLED by the organisers and rescheduled for 20th June 2020.